
Plus Advent Calendar Door #19: All you need is love!

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Plus Advent Calendar Door #19: All you need is love!

Everybody needs a little love on a cold, wet Monday morning, so here's some for you with lots of kisses from the Plus team!

Kissing the frog: a mathematician's guide to mating
What's your strategy for love? Hold out for The One, or try and avoid the bad ones? How long should you wait before cutting your losses and settling down with whoever comes along next? We investigate and save the national grid in the process.

Baby robots feel the love
It's not just us humans who can love and be loved!

Love's a gamble
Not sure what present to give to that special person? Here's some help from game theory.

Maths on a plane
How maths can help solve the mysteries of flight and love...

It may seem a bit un-romantic, but when it comes down to it, dating is all about strategy. Find out what happens if, like in the film The beautiful mind, everyone goes for the blonde, and if it's possible to be too attractive.

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