Fourier analysis

Ice, food, and invisibility cloaks — meet the maths that links them together!

Explore the connections between mathematics and music at the La La Lab exhibition.

The Fourier transform is a piece of maths that is, almost single-handedly, responsible for the digital revolution. We asked Chris Budd what the Fourier
transform does, and how it does it. This podcast accompanies the Plus
article Saving lives: The mathematics of tomography.

Taking apart the CMB picture using the maths of sound.

This year's Abel Prize has been awarded to Yves Meyer for the development of an incredibly powerful mathematical tool.

The maths behind music has inspired software that can merge faces.

How the heat equation inspired the maths that powers the entertainment industry.

This article is part of a two-part series exploring ways in which mathematics comes into food, and especially into food safety and health. In this part we'll look at how maths can tell us the safest way to cook food.

Sandy Black, Professor of Fashion and Textile Design, has combined her love of art and design with her love of mathematics in her career as a knitwear designer. Sandy talks to Plus about the mathematics in fashion, knitting, and how science and fashion could make the world a better place.
The 2006 Abel prize celebrates the mathematician who helped make mp3s possible.