image of the week

Our images of the week show four posters illustrating the beauty of physics. Feel free to download!
Your frustrating commute in technicolour glory!
If you're in need of some love, look at our images of the week.
How to make people levitate.
Our image of the week may look like a bird in flight, but it's actually a subset of the plane defined by a mathematical formula.
Our image of the week is made of 2000 line segments.
Our image of the week shows mathematical street art.
Our images of the week show the amazing snow art created by Simon Beck.
Our image of the week is all about chemistry!
Our image of the week shows the courtyard of the British Museum in London with its beautiful glass and steel roof.
Our image of the week shows one of our favourite topological shapes.
Our beautiful image of the week isn't abstract art! At least not on purpose.