
We talk to Chiara Marletto about a new way of looking at the physical world that may solve some of the problems physicists are currently struggling with.

A new way of looking at the physical world promises to shed light on some of the problems physics as we know it can't deal with.
This article explores how constructor theory may be able to provide answers to the questions posed in the first part of the article.
We explore some problems physics as we know it has trouble dealing with and a new theory that may provide answers.

Information is supremely powerful, yet it can't be described by traditional physics. Constructor theory provides a potential answer.

Is it about energy? Is it about disorder? Or is it about information? It's all three!

Explore a mystery that intrigued Stephen Hawking until the end of his life.

Learn about magical mathematical methods for fixing errors on the fly.

Is nature using digital tools to deal with genetic information?

Taming big data – Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb tells us about a new institute researching the mathematics of information

A quick look at the role of mathematics in communication — from making and breaking codes to making sure messages arrive intact.