Mandelbrot set

Holly Krieger has won a Whitehead Prize for work that combines number theory and dynamical systems.

This article gives a short but thorough introduction to that fabled beast of mathematics: the Mandelbrot set.

In this video the mathematician Holly Krieger explains how complex numbers are important in the study of dynamical systems.

If you're bored with your holiday snaps, then why not turn them into fractals? A new result by US mathematicians shows that you can turn any reasonable 2D shape into a fractal, and the fractals involved are very special too. They are intimately related to the famous Mandelbrot set.

The Abel Prize 2011 goes to John Willard Milnor of Stony Brook University, New York for "pioneering discoveries in topology, geometry and algebra".
Some news on Julia sets

Almost everyone reading this article has no doubt encountered pictures from the Mandelbrot Set. Their appeal is not limited to the mathematician, and their breathtaking beauty has found its way onto posters, T-shirts and computers everywhere. Yet what is a fractal?