quantum field theory

Could there be a fifth force of nature hitherto unknown to science? Find out with physicist Ben Allanach in this episode of Maths on the move.

News stories have claimed they may have — but is this true?
The "free-range mathematician" and "architect of particle physics" has passed away in Princeton.
What is everything made of? In the final article in this series, Elias Gårding takes us to the very edge of our current knowledge.
What is everything made of? In the third article in this series, Elias Gårding takes us down the QFT rabbit hole.
What is everything made of? In the second article in this series, Elias Gårding reveals the equation that captures (almost) all the known laws of nature.
How to get massive particles from gold.
After having explored our economic analogy for the force of electromagnetism, let us turn to the weak force.
Current physical theories suggest that beautiful symmetries underly the fundamental particles and forces of nature. We describe those symmetries using an analogy from economics, and even rediscover the famous Higgs boson.
Now let's look at the economic analogy for electromagnetism.
And finally, here is how the famous Higgs boson gets into the picture.
CERN's Large Hadron Collider is one of the few scientific experiments to sparked wide-spread media coverage, particularly with the 2012 announcement of the discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson. So what really goes on at CERN and why the hubbub about the Large Hadron Collider, known as the LHC?