three body problem

Kinetic theory bridges the gap between the big and the small to understand systems made up of many components: from plasmas to people.
Why too many bodies present a problem.
Mathematician Katie Steckles tells us about her favourite mathematical moments and why being creative is essential in maths.
In the last issue Lewis Dartnell explained how chaos on the brain is not only unavoidable but also beneficial. Now he tells us why the same is true for our solar system and sends us on a journey that has been travelled by comets and spacecraft.
Has the precious cargo of the crashed Genesis mission survived to tell us about the origins of our solar system?
Two people who get on well together can often find their relationship destabilised by the arrival of a third into their orbit.

On June 25th 1998 the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory known as SOHO, a small spacecraft that monitors the sun, went missing. An error in the instructions given to it from ground control left it spinning out of control. However, there is a glimmer of hope.