
The fingernail problem and metallic numbersA beautiful geometric problem opens the door to the world of metallic numbers.
Clearing the air: Making indoor spaces COVID safeNew research shows that ventilation is crucial and that masks are effective.
Dynamic numbersHolly Krieger has won a Whitehead Prize for work that combines number theory and dynamical systems.
Taming complexityMaria Bruna has won a Whitehead Prize for finding a systematic way of simplifying complex systems.
John Barrow: stories of the UniverseWe remember the brilliant cosmologist, mathematician and science communicator, John D. Barrow.
Going back to uni during a pandemicWhat can maths tell us about how to make universities safe from COVID-19?
Maths in a minute: N-bonacci sequencesYou may have heard about the Fibonacci sequence, but have you heard of N-bonacci sequences?
Maths in three minutes: Map projectionsGetting a different picture of our planet.
Unlocking the workforceHow can we all get back to work safely in the face of a lingering pandemic?
The agent perspectiveHow do we learn and understand the world? What separates us from machines? Yoshua Bengio believes it all comes down to our agency.
Building meaning: dog or ostrichHow do we build our models of the world? Yoshua Bengio explains how deep learning will help machines act to understand the world in a similar way.
Euler's polyhedron formulaIn this article we explores one of Leonhard Euler's most famous results.