
The Nevanlinna Prize 2018: Constantinos Daskalakis Daskalakis tells us about the work he is being honoured for, which involves complexity theory, game theory, online dating and traffic jams.
The Fields Medal 2018: Caucher BirkarCaucher Birkar has been awarded the Fields medal for his contribution to algebraic geometry.
The Fields Medal 2018: Peter ScholzePeter Scholze has received the Fields medal 2018 for transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry.
Constructivism: An expert's view Harvey Friedman tells us about a mathematical movement called constructivism and why we need it.
Spider solitaireSpider solitaire is a popular online game. But are users right in their suspicion that some programs are rigged?
How to tame uncertaintyHow can we get a grip on the uncertainties in mathematical models?
Intuitive mathematicsCan a mathematical object be said to exist if you can't construct it?
What can we see?Physics is all about observation. But how much can we actually see with the naked eye?
What can we agree to look for?The limits to what we can observe are not only a matter of science, but also of politics and economics.
What can science see?Observing the smallest building blocks of matter doesn't involve seeing in the ordinary sense.
Maths in a minute: Truth tablesIntroducing an indispensable tool of mathematical logic.
Something from nothing?If you can prove that a statement can't possibly be false, does this mean it's true?