
A practical guide to writing about anything for anyone!

Some practical tips to help you when you need it most – when you are sitting at the keyboard, ready (or perhaps not so ready) to put your ideas on the page!

Why you need maths to dance

When sound waves leave your speaker they wreak havoc with mathematics.

Studying scattered waves

Ice, food, and invisibility cloaks — meet the maths that links them together!

Revolutionising the power of blood tests using AI

The BloodCounts! project is gearing up towards one of the largest-scale applications yet of machine learning in medicine and healthcare.

Maths in a minute: Optimisation

Maths can help you make the best of things!

The lungs of the Earth

How can maths help to understand the Southern Ocean, a vital component of the Earth's climate system?

Julia Gog's mathematical toolkit for pandemics

A mathematical, and personal, look into how we all had to balance the different harms of the virus and the steps we took against it.

Mathematical snapshots: Daniel Kreuter

PhD student Daniel Kreuter tells us about his work on the BloodCounts! project, which uses maths to make optimal use of the billions of blood tests performed every year around the globe.

Maths in a minute: Peano arithmetic

How would you explain the natural numbers to an alien devoid of a number instinct? You could try Peano arithmetic...

More than maths: Understanding infectious diseases in care homes

Some diseases spread far more quickly in care homes and other settings with vulnerable people. How can maths help? And what help does maths need?

Playing billiards on strange tables

Weird and wonderful things can happen when you set a ball in motion on a billiard table — and the theory of mathematical billiards has recently seen a breakthrough.

Learning from COVID: How good was the UK's vaccination strategy?

Was vaccinating vulnerable people first a good choice? Hindsight allows us to assess this question.