
Maths in half a minute: Exponential growth

What do we mean when we say that something grows exponentially? Find out in this very easy introduction, suitable for anyone curious to know more!

A tip of the hat: Celebrating an aperiodic monotile

Here's a look at the shape that can tile the plane in a non-repetitive pattern — and some of the creative uses people have found for it.

Maths in a minute: Odds ratios

Is your new face cream associated to getting spots? The odds ratio can help figure it out.

Maths in a minute: Gödel's incompleteness theorems

Find out about these important results that destroyed a mathematical dream.

The holographic principle

Over the last few decades physicists have been developing a curious idea. Perhaps the world we inhabit is a hologram, lacking a crucial feature of the world as we perceive it: the third dimension.

Maths in a minute: Mathematical models

A basic introduction to the most powerful tools in science and engineering.

What is the generation time of a disease?

To work out how a disease will spread you need to know the time between infections.

How can maths fight an epidemic?

How can we use mathematics to model the spread of a disease?

The doubling time of a disease

The doubling time of a disease is the time it takes for the number of cases of the disease to double. How do you calculate it?

The growth rate of a disease

What is the growth rate and what does it tell us about an epidemic?

R and herd immunity

What is herd immunity and what does it have to do with a number called R?