
From rainbows to rogue waves

Discover the fascinating maths behind rainbows, rogue waves and many more applications that is being explored by researchers at the INI

Mathematical snapshots: Tosin Babasola

Tosin uses maths to guarantee the continued production of chocolate.

Maths in a minute: Dispersion

If you've ever marvelled at a rainbow, you have witnessed dispersion in action!

Give us a wave!

Ripples on a pond, the swell of ocean waves, your favourite song – these can all be described using sine waves. But how do we describe a sine wave?

Maths in a minute: Cartesian coordinates

A fly on the ceiling inspired the coordinate system you might remember from school.

Why sine (and cosine) make waves

From trigonometry to waves.

Why is the Earth a magnet?

It's a good question with a fascinating answer.

What is a square?

If a shape has equal sides with 90 degree angles between them then it's a square, right? Well, not quite...

Mathematical snapshots: Tamara Grossmann

PhD student Tamara Grossmann tells us about her work on image analysis.

Can AI help with breast cancer screening?

There are several ways in which it can and studies suggest they could be safe and effective.

Maths in a minute: Deep learning

Take a dive into deep learning - a spectacularly successful development in artificial intelligence!

New artificial intelligence tool for diagnosing Alzheimer's

A new machine learning framework provides doctors with a reliable tool to help diagnose Alzheimer's disease early.