Abel prize

We were very excited to meet Andrew Wiles this summer! In this interview and videos he tells us what it was like to prove Fermat's Last Theorem, and what it feels like to do maths.

One of the greatest honours in maths has been awarded for the proof of Fermat's last theorem.

This year's Abel prize shows you can wrap anything, no matter how weirdly shaped.

Why doing maths is like being Lewis Carroll's Red Queen and how to keep going beyond the formidable age of 84.

The ability to see order in chaos has won the mathematician Yakov G. Sinai the 2014 Abel Prize.

This year's Abel Prize has been awarded to the Belgian mathematician Pierre Deligne for "seminal contributions to algebraic geometry and for their transformative impact on number theory, representation theory, and related fields".

This year's Abel Prize goes to Endre Szemerédi for his "fundamental contributions to discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science."
The Abel Prize 2011 goes to John Willard Milnor of Stony Brook University, New York for "pioneering discoveries in topology, geometry and algebra".