gravitational wave detector

We discuss new and fascinating observations of gravitational waves with three of our favourite cosmologists.
On the fifth day of advent we learn about the heroic effort that led to the detection of gravitational waves and the excitement of their discovery.
Find out what gravitational waves will tell us about the Universe: from understanding its birth to figuring out whether black holes have hairs.
Find out about the heroic effort that led to the detection of gravitational waves and the excitement of their discovery.
Gravitational waves have opened a new window on the Universe. Find out what they are, how they were detected, and what they promise to reveal.
Kip Thorne explains how to explore the Universe with gravitational waves.
The newly observed ripple in spacetime will help us unlock some of the secrets of the Universe.
Physicists have finally detected the gravitational waves they have been chasing for nearly 100 years.
Rumours abound that physicists have detected gravitational waves produced by the merger of two black holes.
How to catch those elusive gravitational waves.
And what are gravitational waves?
What happens when one black hole meets another? Professor Kip Thorne shows us how to eavesdrop on these cosmic events by watching for telltale gravitational waves.