
Marina Cortês is one of a growing number of physicists who believe time is fundamental. We ask her about the alternatives theories to the block universe, where time comes first.
Physics tells us that we live in a block universe, containing all of the past and all of the future. What does this perspective mean for our understanding of time, events, and free will?
The possibility that there might be many parallel worlds has just become a little more likely.

In these two short videos the legendary Andrew Wiles talks about what it was like to prove Fermat's Last Theorem, and what it feels like to do maths.

Image © Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation / Flemming­ – 2016

Why are physicists unsure about what it means to say that something has happened? Anthony Aguirre and Sean Carroll explain.
A model of backward causation in which the future affects the past could help unite quantum mechanics and general relativity – and satisfy a challenge thrown down almost a century ago by Arthur Eddington.
Frank Kelly talks about his work on networks and how inspiration can strike out of the blue.
Keith Mansfield tells us how being able to do maths turns you into a superhero, helps you work out why we haven't yet been contacted by aliens, and remembers his favourite mathematical moment.
Nira Chamberlain tells us how solving difficult maths problems can be like fighting an invisible boxer.
Vicky explains how maths is an adventure that's really worth having.
Carola tells us about her work in the field of image analysis, her favourite mathematical moments, and why creativity is so important in maths.
Mathematician Katie Steckles tells us about her favourite mathematical moments and why being creative is essential in maths.