
Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb uses mathematics to process and analyse images. She loves the collaborative nature of maths.

Natalia Berloff is a professor of applied mathematics. It was a problem in network theory that lured her into the exciting world of maths when she was ten years old.

Imagine your weight depended on the colour of your underwear! Something quite similar happens with measurements in quantum physics. Find out more here...
Imagine your weight depended on the colour of your underwear! Something quite similar may be happening when you are measuring things in quantum physics. Find out more here...
Taming big data – Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb tells us about a new institute researching the mathematics of information

We were very excited to meet Andrew Wiles this summer! In this interview and videos he tells us what it was like to prove Fermat's Last Theorem, and what it feels like to do maths.

If observers can influence the outcomes of measurements, then do these observes need to be conscious? Does consciousness play a special role in physics at all?

A brief introduction to the strange theory of quantum mechanics and how it appears to afford a special role to observers.

Can the very act of observing something change what's being observed? This series of articles and videos explores some basic questions about the role of the observers in physics.

Has the future already already been written? Is time just an illusion? Take a step outside of spacetime with cosmologist Marina Cortês to discover the block universe.

Fundamental physics says time is symmetric - so why does time move forwards for us in a block universe?

Is time real? Are we just puppets living out a future already written? Marina Cortês explains why she thinks time is fundamental and that we don't live in a block universe.