
We're celebrating the occasion with some favourite talks by female mathematicians of the last year.
How can it be that our wonderfully complex world is governed by a few comparatively simple laws of nature? Find out with this collection of articles and videos.
Have physicists at CERN found a new Higgs boson?
Find out all about the Large Hadron Collider in this package of introductory articles.
Pau Figueras explains how Einstein's theories predicted the existence of black holes, and how to describe them mathematically.
Small, dark, and very hard to see. This and far more indepth answers to every question you ever wanted to ask about black holes.
In this video theoretical physicist Ben Allanach talks about the search for dark matter at the LHC.
In this excellent talk the mathematician Vicky Neale gives a fascinating and easy-to-follow introduction to the prime numbers.
To celebrate the centenary of the general theory of relativity we asked physicist David Tong to explain the theory and the equation that expresses it. Watch the video or read the article!
David Spiegelhalter's new book Sex by numbers takes a statistical peek into the nation's bedrooms. In this interview he tells us some of his favourite stories from the book. Read the article or watch the video!
If you thought that billiards was a harmless game to play in the pub, think again. It's a breeding ground for chaos!
Can we always find order in systems that are disordered? Imre Leader says yes.