
Cellular automata Find out how a square grid and some simple rules can generate complex patterns and life-like behaviour.
The dynamics of crowds Human beings are wilful and don't always act rationally. Yet, mathematical models of the behaviour of crowds are surprisingly accurate.
Maths in a minute: Equal temperaturesAt any point in time there are two points on the Earth's equator with the same temperature.
Inspired by the spirit of RamanujanAre you an emerging engineer, mathematician or scientist who doesn't have the support of a school, university, or other research organisation? Then the Spirit of Ramanujan project might be able to help.
Ramanujan: Dream of the possibleA hundred years ago Ramanujan was elected FRS. Here is a look at the maths that gained him the title.
Maths in a minute: Higher dimensionsIn normal life higher dimensions smack of science fiction, but in mathematics they are nothing out of the ordinary.
Machine learning: Is it ethical?Should machines be allowed to make decisions that impact people's lives?
Will machine learning replace mathematicians?Will sophisticated algorithms one day replace mathematicians?
What is machine learning?Find out how a little bit of maths can enable a machine to learn from experience.
Robots to play games withChess computers were one of the first step towards developing a form of AI. Here's a brief history.
What is a robot?What is artificial intelligence and is it here yet?
Emmy Noether and the power of symmetry2018 is the centenary of a mathematical result that changed the character of physics.