
A strange definition of perfect

Perfect numbers have foxed mathematicians for over 2000 years. Here's a quick look at the long struggle to find them.

Why are sunsets red?

The answer comes from the physics of waves.

Metallic numbers: Beyond the golden ratioYou've heard of the golden ratio but have you heard of the silver ratio? And all its other cousins called the metallic numbers? Read this article to meet the family!
Metallic numbers: Fibonacci and more

From Fibonacci to spirals: explore the mathematical wonders of metallic numbers.

Less is more: The quest for minimal surfacesFor over 250 years minimal surfaces have been playing hide and seek with mathematicians. But what are they and why are they interesting?
Elections: Could they be fairer?With a bit of maths, yes!
Elections: Three common methods

Are these methods fair?

Elections: Can they be fair?

Unfortunately the answer is no, not perfectly. Find out more here.

The power of ants

Find out how these humble animals have inspired computer algorithms to solve complex real-world problems.

Our changing picture of gravityTo celebrate the recent centenary of the first major test of Einstein's general theory of relativity, we look back over how our picture of gravity has changed.
The PEMDAS Paradox

It looks trivial but it keeps going viral. What answer do you get when
you calculate 6÷ 2(1+2)? David Linkletter explains the source of the confusion.

Maths in a minute: Escape velocity

Would you like to get away from Earth? Here's how fast you would need to go.