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    A breath of fresh air

    Rachel Thomas

    There would be a scandal if thousands of people were dying from a disease caught from the water that comes out of the tap. Or if commonly used building materials were causing widespread disease. Could the COVID-19 pandemic change our expectations about catching diseases from the air indoors?

    Lidia Morawska

    Lidia Morawska

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    Could COVID-19 change our expectations for clear air indoors?

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    Tony Hoare: Beyond Quicksort

    Marianne Freiberger

    There aren't many computer algorithms famous enough to get their very own birthday party, but Quicksort is one of them. Invented by the computer scientist Tony Hoare and published in July 1961, the algorithm's task is to put lists of things into the correct order: numbers in numerical order, words into alphabetical order, or dates into chronological oder. It does this so successfully, it is still hailed as one of the best sorting algorithms and implemented in many programming languages and libraries.

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    Imagine a world without computer errors. Tony Hoare, inventor of the famous Quicksort algorithm, is working on making it possible.

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    Happy birthday Quicksort!

    Quicksort is a famous algorithm which celebrates its 60th birthday this year. We explore its clever workings.
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    The physics of language

    Can physics shed new light on understanding language? An exciting new approach that brings together theoretical physics, mathematics and computer science might give us a new way to capture what makes a language unique.
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    Will the virus escape the vaccines?

    Can the virus that causes COVID-19 mutate into a vaccine-resistant strain? And if yes, what would this mean for our vaccination strategy?
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    Counting rose petals

    The beautiful rose curve has an odd pattern to the number of its petals – this student and teacher team explain why...
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    Keeping up with COVID-19

    Trying to work out the real time incidence of a disease in the middle of pandemic has never been done before, but the team behind the ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey have developed a way to do just that.