
Do the dramatic advances in cosmology in the last century herald a new golden age of philosophy? A new collaborative project between cosmologists and philosophers is leading the way.
Why does time only ever move in one direction? We talk to philosophers of physics Jeremy Butterfield and David Wallace, as well as the eminent Roger Penrose about the puzzle time poses to physicists and what it has to do with the Big Bang and the second law of thermodynamics.
How did the all the stars and galaxies end up where we see them today? The very first instance of the Universe's existence holds the answer.
We discuss new and fascinating observations of gravitational waves with three of our favourite cosmologists.
In this podcast we talk to Blake Sherwin about a new map of dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up 85% of the stuff in the Universe.
To celebrate what would have been John D. Barrow's 70th birthday, we revisit our podcast where we asked him: Are the constants of nature really constant?
Early career researchers have presented their work to politicians at the Houses of Parliament.
We may be a little closer to a direct detection of dark energy thanks to a new result that came about, in a sense, by accident.
We celebrate Stephen Hawking with some fond memories of his colleagues.
As we are well over half way through advent, we thought today we'd look towards the future of the Universe
On the 17th day of advent we explore the birth and death of stars.
On the 16th day of advent we explore the mysterious force that drives our Universe apart.