theoretical physics

Could there be a fifth force of nature hitherto unknown to science? Find out with physicist Ben Allanach in this episode of Maths on the move.

News stories have claimed they may have — but is this true?
Elliott Lieb has been awarded the 2022 Gauss Prize for outstanding contributions to physics, chemistry, and pure mathematics.
We may be a little closer to a direct detection of dark energy thanks to a new result that came about, in a sense, by accident.
We talk to Chiara Marletto about a new way of looking at the physical world that may solve some of the problems physicists are currently struggling with.
The "free-range mathematician" and "architect of particle physics" has passed away in Princeton.
A new particle that has recently been discovered at CERN confirms predictions made by theoretical physicists over six years ago.
What is a particle phenomenologist?
If, as string theory suggests, the world is made of strings, then what does that mean for a geometry of points? Find out more in this video.
Nadia Bahjat-Abbas is a mature student working on one of the hardest problems of modern physics. Find out more in this video.
The holy grail for 21st century physics is to produce a unified theory of everything — M-theory is a prime candidate. Find out more in this video.
Masaki Shigemori works on black holes and spacetime bubbles. Find out more in this video.