
How to take a perfect penaltyThree steps for ensuring penalty success.
Cut-outs, curating and communicatingWhy a trip to an art gallery is an answer to how we can help people enjoy and engage with maths.
50 Visions of Mathematics - celebrating 50 years of the IMAWe joined HRH Princess Anne and many great mathematicians to celebrating 50 years of the IMA at the Royal Society.
Maths meets royalty this Wednesday!We're very excited! Over the last year or so we helped edit a book called 50: visions of mathematics and this Wednesday it will be officially launched — in the presence of HRH The Princess Royal!
A NICE decisionHow does NICE make the difficult decision of which treatments to fund under the NHS?
What is creativity?What were your most creative experiences at school? Art? Music? English? Maths? That last one might not be the obvious choice for many of us, but that is exactly the type of opportunity we are hoping to create in a new project. To help us get started, we asked researchers what role creativity has in their work.
Interalia: From strings to sculptureInteralia is a show by Turner Prize winning artist Grenville Davey and theoretical physicist David Berman.
Easy as 1, 2, 3?The natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., are nice. So what could be nicer than discovering interesting patterns within them?
Compression and quantum bit strings - video abstractsWe vote that all academic papers have such tempting video trailers!
Diseases, maths and illegal numbersIf you're not sure how maths is relevant to real life, then go to see this year's popular lectures put on by the London Mathematical Society.
Building a bridge to mathsAt last month's Cambridge Science Festival we had great fun trying out a hands-on (or rather feet-on) activity based on one of our favourite puzzles – the bridges of Königsberg. We were really pleased with how it went, so we thought we'd share our game for others to put on at their own science or maths event.
Searching for answersThe search for the missing Malaysia Airlines' flight MH370 was dramatically narrowed last week due to a mathematical analysis of satellite signals from the plane. Careful analysis of just a handful of data points has focussed the search on an area in the southern Indian Ocean.