
Hello Seoul!We have set up our temporary headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians.
Surface beautyOur image of the week shows a beautiful surface with many singularities.
Celebrating maths communicationOne of our favourite mathematicians, Marcus du Sautoy, will receive the 2014 Christopher Zeeman medal for the promotion of mathematics to the public.
Maths in a minute: Binary numbersHow do you write numbers as string of 0s and 1s?
Holy mathematicsOur image of the week celebrates architect Antoni Gaudí's love of mathematical design.
Maths in a minute: Perfect numbersOf numbers, beauty and bizarre animals.
Maths in a minute: Osculating the curve…We are very pleased with our new toy demonstrating the curvature of any smooth function – now you can try it out too!
Climbing around a fractalOur image of the week!
What holds up the Forth Bridge?One of our favourites images from the book 50 visions of mathematics. It is of a demonstration at Imperial College in 1887 of the mathematical principles behind (or should that be underneath?) the Forth Bridge.
Show me the physics video contestIf you love physics and making movies then this is for you.The Foundational Questions Institute is excited to present its first-ever video contest.
Football in fractal formOur image of the week is this beautiful image created to mark Germany's historic 7-1 win over Brazil in the World Cup semifinal this week.
Maths, metronomes and firefliesIt's one of the most beautiful sights in nature: fireflies illuminating the night with their synchronised flashing. Mathematicians have just solved a 40 year-old problem behind this striking phenomenon.