
A new way of looking at the physical world promises to shed light on some of the problems physics as we know it can't deal with.
This article explores how constructor theory may be able to provide answers to the questions posed in the first part of the article.
We explore some problems physics as we know it has trouble dealing with and a new theory that may provide answers.

Information is supremely powerful, yet it can't be described by traditional physics. Constructor theory provides a potential answer.

In this podcast we explore how ants have helped humans to solve some very difficult problems.

Find out how ants have inspired a class of cutting-edge algorithms designed to solve complex real-world problems.
How do green algae manage a perfect breaststroke even though they haven't got a brain? The maths of synchronisation explains and even sheds light on human physiology and evolution.

Find out how these humble animals have inspired computer algorithms to solve complex real-world problems.

How do green algae manage a perfect breaststroke even though they haven't got a brain? Enter the maths of synchronisation.

From flocks of starlings to spiral galaxies: this article explores examples of emergent phenomena in nature.

Many things in nature seem to be striving for a purpose — the carefully choreographed flocking of birds is an example. Are these birds really smart enough to follow a common goal? Find out with these articles.

Find out how a square grid and some simple rules can generate complex patterns and life-like behaviour.