
Find out what it means for a shape to have fractional dimension.

More than you think! In this episode of our podcast we talk to theoretical physicist David Berman to find out more...
We look at an important recent result exploring higher-dimensional holes in higher-dimensional spheres.
We guide you through an exciting recent breakthrough in the world of topology, involving something called the telescope conjecture.
We continue our exploration of the telescope conjecture.
In normal life higher dimensions smack of science fiction, but in mathematics they are nothing out of the ordinary.
How to optimally fill a box with eight-dimensional oranges.
String theory predicts there are more than the familiar four dimensions of space-time. But where do those extra dimensions come from? Eva Silverstein is looking for the answer.
A bizarre set of of 8-dimensional numbers could explain how to handle string-theory's extra dimensions, why elementary particles come in families of three... and maybe even how spacetime emerges in four dimensions.
Space is three-dimensional... or is it? In fact, we are all used to living in a curved, multidimensional universe. And a mathematical argument might just explain how those higher dimensions are hidden from view.

How many dimensions are there? In the latest online poll of our Science fiction, science fact project you told us that you'd like an answer to this question. So we asked theoretical physicist David Berman to find out more. We also bring you a range of other Plus articles exploring the question, as well as two articles from FQXi who are our partners on this project. Happy reading!

String theory has one very unique consequence that no other theory of physics before has had: it predicts the number of dimensions of space-time. But where are these other dimensions hiding and will we ever observe them?