
How should people arrange themselves for maximal socialising at a safe distance?

You've heard of the golden ratio but have you heard of the silver ratio? And all its other cousins called the metallic numbers? Read this article to meet the family!
Spencer Becker-Kahn explains what minimal surfaces are and why he likes them.
For over 250 years minimal surfaces have been playing hide and seek with mathematicians. But what are they and why are they interesting?

The mathematical puzzle behind the iconic structure.

Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck has been awarded the Abel Prize 2019!

One of the greatest threats to whales is being struck by ships. Find out how Pythagoras' theorem can help avoid this.

At any point in time there are two points on the Earth's equator with the same temperature.

In normal life higher dimensions smack of science fiction, but in mathematics they are nothing out of the ordinary.

The great thing about geometry is that you can sometimes prove things using pictures. Enjoy these three great visual proofs of Pythagoras' theorem!

Having trouble with algebra? Then try these visual proofs of two well-known algebraic identities.

We talk to Maryna Viazovska, who in 2016 made a breakthrough in the theory of sphere packings.