network topology

Join us as we follow Kathryn Hess on a mathematical mystery tour of the marvellous intricacy of the brain!

How fast can you tell whether two networks are the same?

Can you find a path through on this city map that crosses every bridge exactly once? Euler's answer to this problem started off the filed of graph theory.

How popular and successful are you? Not as much as your friends is the sad answer, at least as far as Twitter is concerned.

Why do so many networks exhibit a similar kind of structure? It's because the rich tend to get richer!

Jet engines, aircraft carriers and telecommunications networks — these are just some of the things that Nira Chamberlain has modelled. And while he's figuring out defence logistics, he's also pursuing a pure mathematical interest in games. Find out what mathematical modelling can do and why it can also make you slim and fluent in French.
Why do the rich and popular get richer and more popular?

C. J. Budd and C. J. Sangwin show us how to create mazes, and explain why mazes and networks have much in common. In fact the study of mazes and labyrinths takes us into the dark territory of murder, suicide, adultery, passion, intrigue, religion and conquest...