quantum computing

Elliott Lieb has been awarded the 2022 Gauss Prize for outstanding contributions to physics, chemistry, and pure mathematics.
Natalia Berloff explains how quantum particles, that are both light and matter, help solve infamous NP hard problems.
Quantum particles that are both light and matter help solve infamous NP hard problems.

The "quantum mechanic" talks about how quantum computers might impact society and the limits of measurement.

This year's Nobel Prize for Physics brings together the physics of materials with one of our favourite areas of maths – topology. In this final article in a series, we asked Fiona Burnell to explain the maths behind the work, and how it may help lead to quicker and smaller electronics, and even the elusive quantum computer.
This year's Nobel Prize for Physics brings together the physics of materials with one of our favourite areas of maths – topology. This is the second in a series of articles where we asked Fiona Burnell to explain the maths behind the work, and how it may help lead to quicker and smaller electronics, and even the elusive quantum computer.
This year's Nobel Prize for Physics brings together the physics of materials with one of our favourite areas of maths – topology.
A closer look at one of the simplest quantum algorithms.
What will quantum computers be able to do that ordinary computers can't do?
What's stopping us from building useful quantum computers? And how long until we'll have them?
Quantum computers often grab the science headlines. But what exactly is quantum computing? What will quantum computers be able to do, and when can we expect to have fully functional ones?
An untapped resource could provide the magic needed for quantum computation — and perhaps even open the door to time travel.