
Counting the trees of life

How many possible genetic relationships are there between a collection of different species? The answer is mind-bogglingly large.

Evolution: It's as real as gravity!

Why evolution through natural selection is more than a mere "theory".

Football fever

England may have bombed out, but the Euro 2016 Championships are still in full swing. Here are some articles by our favourite football expert, Ken Bray

Maths in a minute: Symmetry

We all instinctively recognise symmetry when we see it, but describing it in words is harder than you might think.

Hitting the spot

What's the best spot to aim a penalty at?

Climate change: Does it all add up?

An insightful look at the climate models that predict our future.

Climate modelling made easy

Make your own climate prediction with this simple, but powerful, model!

Maths in a minute: The second law of thermodynamics

Our messy desk is proof of the second law of thermodynamics...

Maths in a minute: Expectation

Why the expected outcome of rolling a die is 3.5.

A ridiculously short introduction to some very basic quantum mechanics

Some general ideas in very few words and without equations.

Why quantum mechanics?

Why did physicists at the beginning of the 20th century feel they needed a new — and strange — theory?

Donald Trump, game theorist

Whatever you think of Donald Trump, we bet you didn't think he was good at game theory.