
Women of mathematics: Julia Gog

Julia Gog is a mathematical biologist, helping to understand how infectious diseases spread. One of her favourite eureka moments came while she was playing a computer game.

Women of mathematics: Nilanjana Datta

Nilanjana Datta works in quantum information theory. She loves how mathematics can describe nature simply and elegantly.

Women of mathematics: Anne-Christine Davis

Anne-Christine Davis is a professor of theoretical physics whose long career has seen attitudes towards women change for the better. She had to put up with quite a lot at the start.

Women of mathematics: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb uses mathematics to process and analyse images. She loves the collaborative nature of maths.

Women of mathematics: Natalia Berloff

Natalia Berloff is a professor of applied mathematics. It was a problem in network theory that lured her into the exciting world of maths when she was ten years old.

Fourier transforms of images

How to make images out of ripples of pixels...

The hidden beauty of multiplication tables

There are some amazing patterns hiding within simple arithmetic.

Wavelets catch Abel Prize

This year's Abel Prize has been awarded to Yves Meyer for the development of an incredibly powerful mathematical tool.

Contextuality — The most quantum thing

Imagine your weight depended on the colour of your underwear! Something quite similar happens with measurements in quantum physics. Find out more here...

The quantum reality paradox

What does contextually mean for real-life measurements and what does it have to do with religious questions?

Riding the pilot wave

Pilot wave theory is an extension of quantum mechanics that doesn't exhibit any of that weird randomness or fuzziness. But that doesn't mean it's totally sane. Here is a quick introduction.