University of Cambridge

How do people in different countries feel about the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken by their governments?

How do mathematical models of COVID-19 work and should we believe them? We talk to an epidemiologist, who has been working flat out to inform the government, to find out more.

David Spiegelhalter, expert in risk and evidence communication, tells us how well the UK government has done so far communicating about Covid-19.

Spencer Becker-Kahn explains what minimal surfaces are and why he likes them.

For over 250 years minimal surfaces have been playing hide and seek with mathematicians. But what are they and why are they interesting?

Cambridge joins Black History Month celebrations with an event showcasing the contributions of black mathematicians.

A new particle that has recently been discovered at CERN confirms predictions made by theoretical physicists over six years ago.

A new online tool developed with the help of statisticians enables patients to make informed treatment choices.

How should the seats in the European Parliament be allocated?

What is a particle phenomenologist?

Ray Goldstein explains what little green algae have told us about evolution the maths of synchronisation.

How do green algae manage a perfect breaststroke even though they haven't got a brain? Enter the maths of synchronisation.