
Caucher Birkar has been awarded the Fields medal for his contribution to algebraic geometry.

Peter Scholze has received the Fields medal 2018 for transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry.

The world's biggest mathematics conference is set to start in Rio de Janeiro.

Stanley Osher has won the 2014 Gauss Prize for his revolutionary impact in areas including medical imaging, sonic booms, movie animation and microchip design and

We are thrilled that brilliant mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani has been awarded a Fields medal – the first woman to be recognised.

The ICM 2014 in Seoul is off to a great start!

Manjul Bhargava is being honoured as a number theorist of "extraordinary creativity," with "a taste for simple problems of timeless beauty."

Artur Avila is being honoured for "formidable technical power, the ingenuity and tenacity of a master problem-solver, and an unerring sense for deep and
significant questions."

Martin Hairer's is being honoured for a major breakthrough that gives a way of attacking problems that had previously been impenetrable.

Maryam Mirzakhani is being honoured for her "rare combination of superb technical ability, bold ambition, far-reaching vision, and deep curiosity".