List by Author: Chris Budd

Heads, Bayes wins!

If you've flipped heads 10 times what's the next flip most likely to be?  Bayes' theorem has the answer, not just for the coin, but for the pursuit of science generally.

Tails, Bayes loses (and invents data assimilation in the process)

Trying to make a prediction about the world based on dodgy data? Then data assimilation has the answer!

Maths in a minute: Inverse problems

Inverse problems are mathematical detective problems. They can help solve crimes, are used in medical imaging, and much more.

The shower equation: Dealing with delay

Many processes, including climate change and the spread of COVID-19, involve a delay. Here's a beautiful equation designed to model such processes.

Myths of maths: The Monty Hall problem

This puzzle is famous because the accepted answer is counter-intuitive. But is it always correct?

Myths of maths: The four colour theorem

It's one of mathematics' most famous results: every "map" can be coloured using at most four colours. What it doesn't usually apply to, however, are real maps.

Myths of maths: The golden ratio

The golden ratio has many amazing properties. But is it really a secret of nature and the epitome of beauty?

Elections: Could they be fairer?With a bit of maths, yes!
Elections: Three common methods

Are these methods fair?

Elections: Can they be fair?

Unfortunately the answer is no, not perfectly. Find out more here.

Inverse problems save the day

Inverse problems are mathematical detective problems. They can help solve crimes, are used in medical imaging, and much more.

Saving whales using Pythagoras

One of the greatest threats to whales is being struck by ships. Find out how Pythagoras' theorem can help avoid this.