List by Author: Marianne Freiberger

Why does cosmology need philosophy?George Ellis explains why the study of the cosmos poses some very deep questions.
Phillip Griffiths: Beauty, truth and being practical The winner of the 2014 Chern medal tells us about beauty in maths, the twists and turns of mathematical history, and his work for the maths community.
What is information?

Books, brains, computers — information comes in many guises. But what exactly is information?

Problems of gravity

Why (some) physicists want to modify Einstein's general theory of relativity.

Play to win with Nim

In the game of Nim one player always has a winning strategy — it depends on an unusual way of adding numbers.

The power of good questions

Asking good questions is an important part of doing maths. But what makes a good question?

The art gallery problem

Sometimes a piece of maths can be so neat and elegant, it makes you want to shout "eureka!" even if you haven't produced it yourself. One of our favourite examples is the art gallery problem.

Playing billiards on doughnuts

The paths of billiard balls on a table can be long and complicated. To understand them mathematicians use a beautiful trick, turning tables into surfaces.

Life after the Higgs boson

We might have found the Higgs boson, but the search for new physics at the LHC isn't over yet.

Chaos on the billiard table

If you thought that billiards was a harmless game to play in the pub, think again. It's a breeding ground for chaos!

Polar power

Like spirals and flowers? Then you'll love polar coordinates and the pretty pictures they allow you to draw!