Maths in a minute

Want facts and want them fast? Our Maths in a minute series explores key mathematical concepts in just a few words. From symmetry to Euclid's axioms, and from binary numbers to the prosecutor's fallacy, learn some maths without too much effort.

Maths in a minute: Cyclic groupsWhen things go round and round, a cyclic group may be just what you need!
Maths in a minute: Representing groupsGroups occur all over mathematics, so it makes sense to find a common language to talk about them all.
Maths in a minute: The logistic mapGet a fish to teach you chaos theory!
Maths in a minute: Triangular numbersTriangular numbers: find out what they are and why they are beautiful!
Physics in a minute: The double slit experimentOne of the most famous experiments in physics demonstrates the strange nature of the quantum world.
Maths in a minute: N-bonacci sequencesYou may have heard about the Fibonacci sequence, but have you heard of N-bonacci sequences?
Maths in three minutes: Map projectionsGetting a different picture of our planet.
Maths in a minute: Differential equationsChange is the only constant in our lives — which is why differential equations are so useful.
Maths in a minute: the Fibonacci sequenceThe origin story of this famous sequences stars some cute, fluffy bunnies.
Maths in a minute: "R nought" and herd immunityWhat is herd immunity and what does it have to do with a number called R0?
Maths in a minute: Voronoi diagramsWe look at a crafty mathematical device which, among other things, has helped people understand what causes cholera.
Maths in a minute: Social distancing How should people arrange themselves for maximal socialising at a safe distance?