Maths in a minute

Want facts and want them fast? Our Maths in a minute series explores key mathematical concepts in just a few words. From symmetry to Euclid's axioms, and from binary numbers to the prosecutor's fallacy, learn some maths without too much effort.

Maths in a minute: The information paradoxExplore a mystery that intrigued Stephen Hawking until the end of his life.
Maths in a minute: Hawking radiationNothing, not even light, can escape from a black hole. Or can it? Find out about one of Stephen Hawking's most radical results.
Maths in a minute: Escape velocityWould you like to get away from Earth? Here's how fast you would need to go.
Maths in a minute: The d'Hondt methodHow does the voting system for the European Parliament elections work?
Maths in a minute: The Sydney Opera HouseThe mathematical puzzle behind the iconic structure.
Maths in a minute: Flipping pancakesIn time for pancake day here's a problem about flipping pancakes. It turns out to be surprisingly hard.
Maths in a minute: Equal temperaturesAt any point in time there are two points on the Earth's equator with the same temperature.
Maths in a minute: Higher dimensionsIn normal life higher dimensions smack of science fiction, but in mathematics they are nothing out of the ordinary.
Maths in a minute: Transcendental numbers (and politics)A quick introduction to transcendental numbers, a famous problem which relates to them, and how the person who solved it became a victim of political tensions.
Maths in a minute: Truth tablesIntroducing an indispensable tool of mathematical logic.
Maths in a minute: ChompA game involving biscuits and maths — what could be better?
Maths in a minute: The axioms of probability theoryTake a quick trip to the foundations of probability theory.