black hole

Find out about the heroic effort that led to the detection of gravitational waves and the excitement of their discovery.

What is a black hole? Cosmologist Pau Figueras explains.

Since the detection of gravitational waves we know for sure that black holes do exist. To understand what really goes on inside them we need a new theory.

A quick introduction to one of the greatest discoveries of the century.

A quick introduction to the monsters that lurk at the centre of each galaxy.

The newly observed ripple in spacetime will help us unlock some of the secrets of the Universe.

Astronomers have explained a strange effect observed in the vicinity of black holes.

Physicists have finally detected the gravitational waves they have been chasing for nearly 100 years.

It's impossible not to be fascinated by black holes. Find out all you'd like to know about them with these articles, videos and podcasts.

Rumours abound that physicists have detected gravitational waves produced by the merger of two black holes.