black hole

On the ninth day of advent we find out about the maths of black holes.
Behind door #8 we answer all the questions you've ever wanted to ask about the physical reality of black holes!
On the seventh day of advent we venture to a dark place we will never return from

On the sixth day of advent we find out why gravitational waves are so important in revealing the secrets of the Universe.

Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez win the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on black holes.

Explore a mystery that intrigued Stephen Hawking until the end of his life.

Nothing, not even light, can escape from a black hole. Or can it? Find out about one of Stephen Hawking's most radical results.

Masaki Shigemori works on black holes and spacetime bubbles. Find out more in this video.

We asked cosmologist Pau Figueras everything we’ve ever wanted to know about black holes. In this podcast he explains what black holes are, physically, and how we hope to observe them.

A quick tour to some of Hawking's most significant achievements.

In memory of Stephen Hawking we look at the equation he was most proud of.

Find out what gravitational waves will tell us about the Universe: from understanding its birth to figuring out whether black holes have hairs.