The winner of the 2014 Chern medal tells us about beauty in maths, the twists and turns of mathematical history, and his work for the maths community.
If you're going to excel in maths it helps to start early — and that's what Peter Scholze certainly did.
Ingrid Daubechies, President of the International Mathematical Union, about the importance of community in mathematics.
The Fields medallist reveals the beauty of numbers, how he drew inspiration from Sanskrit maths and a Rubik's cube, and how his maths fits with his tabla playing.
Why doing maths is like being Lewis Carroll's Red Queen and how to keep going beyond the formidable age of 84.
We enjoyed Manjul Bhargava's Fields medal lecture so much we wanted to share it with you!
Martin Grötschel, Secretary of the International Mathematical Union, about maths at school, integrating developing nations, and his dream of putting all maths that's ever been produced online.
Manjul Bhargava tells us why playing with maths in important in finding your own way of thinking.
Why doing maths is like being Lewis Carroll's Red Queen and how to keep going beyond the formidable age of 84.
Artur Avila tells us about taming chaos.
Stanley Osher has won the 2014 Gauss Prize for his revolutionary impact in areas including medical imaging, sonic booms, movie animation and microchip design and manufacture.
How burning paper can win you a prestigious maths prize.