
What happens inside your computer?My view of the events taking place on my computer is very different to how a computer scientist, a engineer or a physicist would view what is happening inside the box. Leslie Lamport explains how the definition of an event distinguishes between these areas of research.
Distributed systems and ambiguous historiesOur digital lives rely on distributed computer systems, such as the network of banks that allow us to deposit cash in one place and withdraw it in another. But understanding the order of events in such systems is not always straightforward.
Outer space: Archimedean ice cream conesWhat shape of cone maximises the ice cream to wafer ratio?
The formula that plots (almost) everythingHold onto your logic hats! In this article we're going to explore one of the most amazing formulas in maths!
Maths in a minute: The binomial distributionThe probability distribution that measures success and failure.
Overbooking: How to avoid plane rageThe practice of overbooking has made uncomfortable headlines lately. But how do airlines decide how many tickets to sell for a flight? Here's the maths.
Maths in a minute: Polar coordinatesPolar coordinates are great for circles and spirals!
Citizen science: The statistics of languageWhether you're aware of it or not, the language you use to express yourself follows strict mathematical principles.
The beauty of maths is in the brain of the beholderIs maths beautiful? New research into the workings of our brains suggests that it is.
Maths in a minute: Cellular automataMindless games can produce surprising results.
Introducing Florence NightingaleA brief introduction to the famous nurse and statistician.
Probably magic!When you shuffle a deck of cards chances are the order of cards you produced has never been produced before! Find out why and learn a card trick too!