List by Author: Marianne Freiberger

A practical guide to writing about anything for anyone!

Some practical tips to help you when you need it most – when you are sitting at the keyboard, ready (or perhaps not so ready) to put your ideas on the page!

Studying scattered waves

Ice, food, and invisibility cloaks — meet the maths that links them together!

Revolutionising the power of blood tests using AI

The BloodCounts! project is gearing up towards one of the largest-scale applications yet of machine learning in medicine and healthcare.

The lungs of the Earth

How can maths help to understand the Southern Ocean, a vital component of the Earth's climate system?

Playing billiards on strange tables

Weird and wonderful things can happen when you set a ball in motion on a billiard table — and the theory of mathematical billiards has recently seen a breakthrough.

Learning from COVID: How good was the UK's vaccination strategy?

Was vaccinating vulnerable people first a good choice? Hindsight allows us to assess this question.

The Abel Prize 2023: Luis A. Caffarelli

This year's Abel Prize goes to Luis A. Caffarelli for a body of work on the maths of change.

The STEM for BRITAIN awards 2023

Maths meets politics as early career mathematicians present their work at the Houses of Parliament.

Catching clouds with artificial intelligence

Clouds make the weather, yet their detail isn't taken into account in weather forecasts. Artificial intelligence might be able to help.

What is the Abel Prize?

Find out more about one of the highest honours in maths.

When being wrong is right

What can we learn from the COVID crisis about finding consensus?

Should people learn maths until age 18?

Here are some reasons we think it's not a bad idea.