
This article describes how you can describe the entire universe of Riemann tori (surfaces that look like dooughnuts) in one go.

A Riemann torus is a surface that looks like a doughnut. This articles explored how you might tell Riemann tori apart.

How many different surfaces are there? The question seems impossible to answer, but mathematicians have a way of dealing with the multitude. Follow us on a journey into the world of moduli spaces.

How many different surfaces are there? The question seems impossible to answer but mathematicians are good at dealing with multitudes. Follow us into the world of moduli spaces!

If you want to climb vertical walls you need very large feet — or be as small as a gecko.
A Klein bottle can't hold any liquid because it doesn't have an inside. How do you construct this strange thing and why would you want to?
How to keep warm and safe
Mathematicians quest for the perfect poppyseed bagel!
In the first of a new series 'Imaging Maths', Plus takes an illustrated tour of an extraordinary geometric construction: the Klein bottle.