
László Lovász has won one half of the Abel Prize 2021 for fundamental contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete maths.

Mathematicians have proved a new result in the field of combinatorics.

Recently we had to learn about tensors for an upcoming article. Although they seem confusing at first, they are just a way of capturing information we are all used to. Nothing to feel tense about!

Foraging ants have a hard life, embarking on long and arduous trips several times a day, until they drop dead from exhaustion. The trips are not just long, they also follow complex zig-zag paths. So how do ants manage to find their way back home? And how do they manage to do so along a straight line? Their secret lies in a little geometry.

When insects go foraging, they zoom off from their nest in complex zig-zag paths. How do they manage to find their way back home? And how do they manage to do so along a straight path? These questions are explored in an exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition, currently taking place at the Southbank Centre in London.

Maths finds the structures that underpin written language