artificial intelligence

Should machines be allowed to make decisions that impact people's lives?

Will sophisticated algorithms one day replace mathematicians?

Find out how a little bit of maths can enable a machine to learn from experience.

Chess computers were one of the first step towards developing a form of AI. Here's a brief history.

What is artificial intelligence and is it here yet?

What is machine learning, what can it do, and is it ethical?
The pioneering mathematician talks about his work, computer science and artificial intelligence.

We talk to pioneering mathematician Stephen Cook, who came up with the concept of NP-complete problems, about his work, computer science, and artificial intelligence.

With intelligent machines taking over more and more of our jobs, what does the rise of AI mean for humanity?

It requires only a little processing power, but it's a giant leap for robotkind: engineers at the University of Southampton have developed a way of equipping spacecraft and satellites with human-like reasoning capabilities, which will enable them to make important decisions for themselves.